We offer expert accountancy and tax advice specifically related to professions in the adult industries. We are an experienced team who is sensitive to the needs and practices of individuals and we work in a way that is suited to you.
Our mission is to make your life and managing taxes as easy as possible, with clear communication, and discretion at the heart of what we do.
SXW Accountancy was born out of recognising the need for ethical accounting for professionals working within adult industries. We are professional accountants who are experts with the unique facets of accounting for your profession. We have specialist knowledge and expertise with the practicalities of taking payments, identifying your unique tax deductible expenses and respecting you with discretion and confidentiality.
We hold safe space for our clients to be open, honest and feel confident talking with us about any aspect of your business and income. Enabling us to give you the best targeted support to run your business safely, legally and profitably.
Our founder is an accountant who devised SXW Accountancy after listening closely to clients and friends with direct experience. We learned how sex work professionals miss out on targeted accounting and business services when they keep their true profession hidden from their accountant. We understand why this happens, when there is a concern that you will be misunderstood or possibly discriminated against. We understand the reality of these challenges and we offer accounting and business management for you that is better and fair.
While the founder is male bodied, the most of the team are female bodied, so you have the choice of who you prefer to talk to.